Sunday 23 March 2014

Adventures in Egypt

As part of the second semester at College, we were assigned to create a character with a walk cycle, and have a Flash program that controls the character's movement, through the medium of Parallax scrolling, to give the impression that the character is moving in a three-dimensional space.

I began my Parallax scrolling project by importing each of my assets into the library of the project in Flash, and then saving it. These were the Background, and the character, JP. Next, I adjusted the position of each object on the stage, and distributed them to layers. I also added in a stage guide to help me, outlining the viewing area of the finished project. The next step was converting each object into an ActionScript class, and giving them all instance names. After this, I began to work on the code itself. I used many "if" statements and "keyboard Event Handlers" to move the stage left and right when the arrow keys are pressed. It is only very basic at the moment, though, I will need to add in the ability to walk around the center area of the stage until it reaches the 25% of either side, and then have the parallax scrolling begin.

This is my character:

 I also need to add in code that plays certain frames of the character itself, such as the turning, standing still, walking, etc. At the moment, it is playing through each of the frames of the character, which only looks okay when walking to the right. I have the basic code down now, so I can get to proper work during the week, and code in the bigger details.

The Environment:

My Character is named "J.P Lanners", and she is an 
explorer. I plan for her interactive objects to be the plane, as can be seen in the above picture, and a camp fire. She will be able to start the propeller of the Bi-Plane, and light the campfire. The tent on the right will be an object that can stop her from going too far that direction, and the plane will stop her from travelling too far left. Of course, these objects will be pushed out much further than the above picture, I just brought them together for the sake of the picture.

Here she is, in the environment: