Sunday 27 April 2014

Status Update III

It is with great pleasure that I officially declare the project complete! The final version is 5.7, a whole 15 variations up from the previous 4.2 status update! The in-between frames of her turning are now fully complete, her legs no longer disappear, making a smooth transition from standing still to the walking pose.

I have also implemented the code that enables the parallax to play once the character is within 25% of either side of the stage, which proved a lot easier than I initially anticipated! I used a similar code to the code that stops the parallax when she reaches the ends of the stage, but using co-ordinates, rather than physical objects.

The animations for JP's interactions are also complete, and play correctly when the Space bar is pressed in front of the plane, or the down key to start the fire! The fire plays a loop of frames once it has started, which continue on playing until the swf is restarted. The plane starts once JP reaches a certain frame of animation in front of the plane, as does the fire start, when she reaches a certain frame in that animation.

Overall, I am happy with how the project turned out. I learned the basics of Flash coding, and had some fun figuring out how to make use of the codes! One thing I would like to learn next is the implementing of sounds, I feel these would really bring the project to life. A theme in the background, the sound of the plane starting and failing, and of the footsteps in the sand would be the next thing to improve the project.

Here is the final .swf of the project :

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